Monday, October 5, 2015

Virginia is for Lovers!

September 21, 2015

Hello everyone! 
Sorry I haven't been able to email... The way pday was in the MTC and now here in Virginia through things off. So first things, the MTC was awesome but I'm very glad to be out of it. We woke up at 1:30am on the 16th to leave at 2:30. We got on the plane about 5:30 and after a layover in Minneapolis we made it to Reagan airport at about 2:00 pm eastern time. It was a long and very boring flight but flying into DC was pretty sweet. We saw the monuments and pentagon and lots of trees. We then went straight to the Jefferson memorial to take pics for our families and to look around for a second or two. Afterward we got back in the scalding vans dripping with sweat and so tired we wanted to die. We went to president huntsmans house ate dinner had interviews and finally made it to our hotel by 10ish. We were all so exhausted we could barely stay awake for anything. I don't know if they were trying to kill us, scare us, or if they thought it was funny but a few of us kept looking at each and were seriously wanting to run away. It was intense and I thought for sure it was going to be the worst 2 years of my life... Either way we were dead to the world and slept like coma patients. 
The next day we got up and went to transfer meeting and met our trainers. My companions name is Elder Cox from Manti he's awesome and we get along super well. I'm already gonna be sad when we split. We've connected really well and are stoked to be together. We've also got some crazy random same backgrounds which is sweet. He's been here for almost 15 months. So he's got some good time behind him. And of course he's taller than me...
We are currently in the McLean stake in the tysons corner ward our address is 7700 random run lane, falls church, VA 22042. I love all your letters and packages so send away! We are the ones opening a brand new area/ward which has been and is quite the struggle. We have no directory which means no names or addresses and no area book which means no investigators or potentials or inactives or anything. We have nothing... It's been a pain in the rear. To make things better we got to our brand new apartment which is sweet because it's the biggest by far and nicest by far of any other apartment in the mission. The only issue is that it's new to missionaries... So we have a little furniture and it's nice and clean, but we had not a single bit of food, lamps and lights but no light bulbs, I didn't have a blanket or pillow for the first two nights, we had half a roll of toilet paper, no shower curtain (you never realize how important a shower curtain is until you don't have one... The bathroom was soaked) and the sisters had our luggage until like 10:15. So our first day was very unproductive because we had nothing and didn't know what to do And it was dark in all rooms but the kitchen and bathroom. We've since been able to buy light bulbs, food, a shower curtain, and other necessary items. Mom, the package of food you sent us came at the perfect timing! We are beyond thankful. We were able to eat breakfast, lunch, and have a snack. We thought for sure we were going to starve to death. Kidding of course but we were very hungry, hadn't eaten all day, and were quite worried about our well being. So thank you thank you thank you! It's been a very rough start but things are getting better. 
On a positive note we had an Indian (from India, there's tons here) call the church while we were there for a meeting on Thursday and say he wants to meet. We met and he wants to be baptized which is awesome! so we're working with him now. We also were finally able to meet the bishop and mission leader and a nice member family and get some food and other supplies as well as a meal schedule. The mission president and his wife are also very nice and welcoming and seem like they'll be great leaders. We met a guy named Jose who didn't speak tons of  English but he's interested so I used my vast amounts of tell him we'd have the Spanish missionaries come visit him.... We've met with members and tried tracting but with out a directory or area book we're still basically working with our hands tied and eyes blind folded...
Things are going well and I'm excited to start working in a bran new ward/area. We are biking missionaries in a huge area which is a pain, but members are nice and we've been able to catch rides places. It's hot and a little humid but it's very green and there are trees everywhere!
I hope all is going well and that life is good. I'm back to being able to check emails whenever I have wifi since we've got iPads so feel free to email. Oh and send pics! I love to see what's going on at home. Again my address is 7700 random run lane, Falls Chuch, VA 22042. Love you all, hope everything is going well, everything here is dandy, the church is true, God loves us all, pray lots, read tons, and have a wonderful week. 
Love Parker
PS Everything is going well. Elder cox and I get along super well. Our apartment is super nice but kind of in an interesting part of Virginia. Thank you dearly for the package. We really didn't know what we were going to do. Some things I need and would like. I need our medical insurance card.. And also a watch with a date keeper.. And you could email me pictures of anything. The motorcycle, Morgan, the family, my mullet, just anything so I have some. Also a thumb drive full of music would be great! Movie soundtracks are always good or nice Christian bands. Basically calm appropriate music. Cologne would also be nice. I can obviously get a lot of that here, but anything would be nice. Also something to say to the youngins. Practice instruments! Both in the MTC and here I wish I played the piano better and had songs memorized. I also wish I knew how to play guitar. Other
wise things are dandy and were surviving. Oh I thought I had a lot of ties.. Most missionaries have like 20+. I think that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm allowed to check email again whenever I can so send away. I like to read all your emails even if I can't answer a lot of them. Thanks again for everything.
Elder Lucas

Poor starving missionaries!
Meals are set up for the whole week so we won't starve!

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