Sunday, October 18, 2015

I'm here to stay

October 5, 2015

First of all happy late birthday mom!!! I didn't get the chance to say it last week! Hopefully it was grand. Thanks for all you do and your continued support. Ice thought a lot about all you've done for me over the years and I truly appreciate it. I'm definitely a much better person for it. So thanks for all you do. As for the wether yes it's been awful.. We didn't and don't tract much. The people here are
seriously the meanest and nothing good comes from it. Thank you Adam for the letters! I've meant to respond but I've been busy. I really do love to know what's going on. Thank you all for your emails and letters. Things are grand. I'm still definitely homesick but it's a lot different now. I'm here to stay and enjoying it. Even though people are evil. As for music. As long as it isn't too intense or anything and is clean it's fine. They're not super strict about it as long as it's not distracting or taking from the spirit. We listen to a lot of movie sound tracks like batman and inception and superman and Star Trek and Disney songs are always good. just things like that and just soft nice songs or ones without crazy beats. Id get my own but I have no way to.. I haven't sent the pants, but I will when I get the
chance. As for Julie's package. I talked to our mail lady and if there was no apartment address it'd go back to post office for a few days then back to the sender. As long as you put apartment 203 on it I will get it. The correct post office is out of the area so we can't go to it. It least not without talking to the zone leaders and it's super far away. It's also getting quite nippy here and I don't have a coat..
Or even a jacket.. Were you going to send something out? Or do I need to just go buy one? Will you email me pics of the motorcycle and our car wreck pictures. Ive thought a lot about that wreck and how the thoughts I had before we wrecked were probably promptings rather than just my own thoughts and how I should've listened to it and said something... So a lesson for all, never hesitate to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost whether they seem ridiculous or not. Like the scripture say if it's good it comes from God so if it's good, let it be known. Our gym is garbage which stinks and 6:30 is super early, but things are going good and I'm feelin the spirit nice and strong.
Keep reading and keep praying even if it seems hopeless. I finished the Book of Mormon in the MTC (didn't start in the MTC) and will probably finish it again before the transfer. Our apartment is super
nice and clean and seeing the other apartments makes me super sad I'll have to leave this one.. Missionaries are slobs and disgusting creatures that trash everything. Elder cox and I are still getting
along super well and it's awesome and been really nice. We're still getting things going but it's been good. We're still working on a car because the area is huge and I still don't have a bike. But yeah. Oh
so dad there are tons of porches and corvettes and the basics like mustangs and cameros and chargers and challengers and pretty cool bmws. I havent seen any but there are tons lambos and ferraris around. There's a Porsche store and a super sweet Aston Martin store close which is cool. We saw an I8 bmw which are way nice. You should get some. Everyone's loaded here which is why a lot of them are heartless.
Hope all is well at home and everyone is happy
Elder Lucas


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