Sunday, October 18, 2015

An epiphany moment

October 12, 2015

Well hello again
So first off I'll start with a funny story. The Vienna elders, in our zone, elder judkins and elder baulk, were making phone calls this week and they got to some guy and his wife. Something Rasmussen and his wife Kate kelly. Knowing it sounded familiar but not sure why elder baulk called them up and asked for brother Rasmussen. In return he got "that's my husband but I'm Kate Kelly may I ask who's calling?" His reply, still wondering why she was familiar, said "oh hi, I'm elder baulk from the Vienna ward and we're just calling because we want to get to know our members better. Is there a time we could come meet with your family?" Her response was "well first off I was excommunicated last year and secondly I now live it Utah." He said oh.. Ok.. Well have a nice day.. Thanks. Being quite puzzled he just moved on to the next person in the list. A few hours later a member of the bishopric called and asked" did one of you just call Kate Kelly?" Elder baulk was like "yeah! Who in the heck is she? The name sounds super familiar" he then informed them who Kate Kelly was and as they started laughing the bishopric member told them that she posted on Facebook about the elders calling her. Still laughing they looked her up. The comments are a bit ridiculous but here's the post that made our whole zones day. It was quite hilarious when he was telling us the story. He know remembers where the name came from. We read a lot of the other comments and they were quite sickening.. Sadly..

As for the rest of my week it went really well. We've continued to meet with some members and we picked up a new family we're excited to start teaching. Zafar has basically disappeared but George is doing really well and said yes to baptism! We were pretty stoked about that. We did a lot of service this week as well which has been fun for the most part. So we're also trying to figure out if answering doors here is unorthodox or if people are deaf or if the whole state's been out of town for the last month... What ever it may be, people are just never home here. Doesn't matter the day or time, they're not home. We've got tons of names of people to visit but we've not been able to get ahold of any of them! It's ridiculous.

Elder cox and I are still getting along super well and it's been awesome! It's made the this whole missionary thing much more enjoyable. I've been learning tons from studies which has been grand,
and also feeling the spirit a lot which has also been grand. We met a man named mr. Grant. He's the guy we had answers to questions for and he was super happy we were able to answer all his so far questions. It was pretty sweet and were hopefully going back soon. I had me first real door slam experience. We've had some decent ones, but this one was top notch and my feel goods are still hurtin. The funny thing is a while back he referred himself to the missionary referral database and
apparently can't seem to figure out why the missionaries keep showing up. We haven't had any new bashers, just door slammers. I also learned that the McLean bible church has their main meeting every week and then also their "how to beat the Mormons" service which I want to attend. It's kinda ridiculous but whatever makes them happy I suppose.

It's actually getting kind of cold some days which is good compared to the blistering heat we've had. The fall definitely isn't as good here in the east. But it's close. I miss the mountains and having any sense of direction. The roads here are so insane. They follow no patterns and go all over the place and the drivers here are the worst in the world!

I had a pretty cool epiphany moment, as I was falling asleep on the couch, as to why I'm here and why I know the church is true. It was pretty cool. I basically just realized that I'm gone for 2 years and away from family and friends and I'm either starving or bloating and I only get to communicate once a week and people are often mean and a lot Catholics are not saints and it's really hot a humid and I'm always exhausted and everybody honks and the hurricanes are lame and everything is expensive and we don't have a car... But I'm happy. All this stuff that could be unpleasant, but I'm happy and Im enjoying what we do and if it wasn't true we'd all be classified as psychos and
I wouldn't be as happy as I am. Just an interesting thought I had one day. It also kept me awake because I got up and wrote it down. It also made me think about why we're happy as Mormons in general and those thoughts have helped me help explain to others why we're so much happier or why we do the things we do. So a challenge to everyone I suppose, think of how best to describe why you're happy as a Mormon and what makes you know the church is true. Even more so than just the
typical oh I feel the spirit.

And yeah, that's basically what went down this week. It's been a good one. Oh if you have any easy, cheap, and filling snack ideas or recipes please email away! Oatmeal cream pies, Oreos, and Raman aren't quite fitting for that category.. We've been eating fruit and sandwiches but that's about all we got. Slow progress, but a good one!
The church is true without a doubt and I love the work. Not necessarily the state or the people, but definitely the work. Time's flying but I still have forever.. That's something I'm still workin on
getting over.. But other than that all is well. Thanks all for the emails and all the love and support.
First area - Falls Church Virginia

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