Monday, January 4, 2016

Star Wars was dope!

Hello everybody,
This week went quick which I'm always grateful for. We did a pretty fun metro activity on Tuesday. We just stand where people get off and hand out water bottles with different cards stuck in them. I'm pretty sure if we weren't dressed up people would quickly take them from us but they see we're religion oriented and they want nothing to do with us. They always think there's a catch too. They would always ask what it's for and we'd just respond with drinking. Humans are strange. We found a new investigator! Her name is Lena, she's from Sudan. We had a good first lesson with her and have a follow up appointment this week. So hopefully good things come from it. We also ran into a lady this week that let us in and as we were talking about prophets she told us she believes that Moses saw God but believes that the sentence "no man hath seen good" is also true. She also believes that Moses and Noah were prophets but that doesn't believe in prophets such as Adam.. It was quite ridiculous. I pulled us out before the bashing could continue. We had an awesome lesson with Gustavo and Cinthya and a member. We talked a little bit about the priesthood and refreshed the restoration. They're going out of town for a week so we're hoping Satan doesn't get a grasp on their souls in that time. Mr grant said he was coming to church but then he bailed... But we're still hopeful ish. Friday we had our mission Christmas conference which was pretty awesome. We had some speakers in the morning then had lunch from the our stake. The members of the McLean stake are sooo loaded. It's
insane the amount of money they have and spend on things. Just a side note. There's a lady in McLean 1st that owns like every dominos in the northern Virginia DC area. It's crazy. She hooks missionaries up. That's not what we had for lunch. There's another lady that loves missionaries and spending money and is totally ocd or something and everything has to be perfect. That being said our lunch was perfect. We just wanted food and she made it into a 5 star restaurant. We had salmon and pork and potatoes and jello and salads and a bunch of stuff. There are 218 missionaries. It was impressive. Oh the talks were good too:) we biked about a million miles this week. Elder cline doesn't seem to care that it takes 30 minutes to get to an area for a 10 second check up and then ride back. It's also been decently cold but not too bad yet. Christmas is supposed to be 70.. Someone bailed on talking in sacrament so we got a late night phone call asking if we'd speak so we did because us missionaries are best at that improve stuff. I spoke on finding hope through the savior and elder cline slightly roasted the ward on missionary work. It was good. Speaking of holidays, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and I'm sad to not be around but I'm glad to be serving the crazy people of Virginia. Things are going well. It's hard, but it's life. I'm thankful for the gospel and I'm thankful for Christ.
Until next time,
Elder Lucas
A Christmas haul!

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