Monday, January 4, 2016

A good member can change the attitude of an entire week.

Another good week. We had lots of lessons with investigators and less actives but we can never seem to get the to church. It's like saving your souls isn't important enough.. We keep trying. Gustavo and
Cinthya are doing awesome still. We took them to the temple visitors center on New Year's Eve and they seemed to enjoy it. It was a fun experience. We're struggling a little to get them to be progressing according to preach my gospel standards, but we're still working with them. To finish off New Year's Eve we watched ephraim's rescue as a zone then played volleyball. We went to bed at like 11 and that was about the extent of our partying. Definitely wasn't as good as the family traditions back home, but it was fun and we enjoyed it. We met a new black guy named Adrian. He was super prepared or so far has seemed to be. He was in the area book from a while ago and we finally got ahold of him and gave him a quick lesson using the pamphlets and he was really curious and wanted to know more. It was sweet! He told us he'd read the pamphlet and pray then start reading the Book of Mormon and to call him back this coming weekend. So we're keeping our fingers crossed. We had some other sweet lessons this week but I was on exchanges so elder cline got most of those. They were with Lena, the lady from Sudan, nick, a less active, and one with Gustavo and
cinthya. We're about to drop Jorge because we cant get him to actually do anything and he bails on our appointments and yeah. It's sad. We're going to give him some stuff to read and have him call us when he's finished with it or wants us to come back. Mr. Grant has been out of town all week but hopefully he gets back soon. Today it's about 50. Yesterday was a little warmer and this week it's actually supposed to get cold! Maybe. We shall see. Not a lot to report on with this week, but it was a good one and will hopefully roll into the next. Now that the holidays are over people might actually want to listen to and talk with us. We've had a few people tell us to talk to them after the new year so it's time to start bugging people again! Elder cline and I still get a long fine and president hints at us being together at least until the following transfer which will be March 3 I believe. So that should be fun. Hopefully we're still getting along than. He's really tall. Well not really, I'm just short.. Have I ever mentioned I hate being short? If not, now you know. Life is good, church is true and I know without a doubt the gospel is restored today. And be nice to the missionaries at home! A good member can change the attitude of an entire week.
Elder Lucas

With Elder Cline at the Washington D.C Temple

With Elder Huffaker

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