Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas is all about Jesus

December 7, 2015

Well this week was a good one as usual!
Monday we went to the pentagon which was pretty sweet. We then went to the pentagon mall where we didn't meet a single crazy person! Can you believe it?! We couldn't. We did run into a guy with Thor like hair that we thought was gonna bash for sure but ended up telling us about a book he read that talked about Utah preppers and how they've got things figured out. He then asked us if we got any converts at the pentagon. We laughed and said no and then he said oh well if anyone
needs Jesus it's those guys. It was funny and a relief because we were all waiting for a slammer. Tuesday we had district meeting which was on Christlike attributes and on how we can improve then it rained all day.
Wednesday we went and bought me a new tire since my parkour biking skills caused too much strain on my tube. It rained all day but we tried contacting some people but had no luck.
Thursday elder cox went to a meeting so I went on a trio in Vienna. It was fun, but we had no car or bikes so it was a little difficult.  But that night we got a car! We get it till transfers which is this coming Thursday. It's been super nice. We've been able to contact tons of potentials and referrals and get places and it's so nice! Friday we spent the morning helping set up for the McLean 1st ward Christmas party, had a meeting, then spent all afternoon taking car of car stuff. So we got a car from the Spanish, and they sometime can be a little lazy, so we had to take care of a ticket they got a few days before as well as getting the car stickers so it can park in falls church. It took all day and a bunch of phone calls but we got it figured out. (We lost the car this morning... Some sisters totaled theirs somewhere so we had to give it up. One of the Spanish elders went home because his passport expired and the other went to a trio till transfers). We had a super awesome lesson with Gustavo and Cinthya that night. We just shared a Christmas message and talked with them and they just talked a
lot about how they feel with the Mormon church and that they like it all. It was sweet. Gustavo said there was no way he'd ever quite coffee then elder cox said something about God saying so and he was just like ok, I'll work on it. It was funny and really cool to see.We don't have a baptism date for Gustavo and cinthya because they're not married.
Saturday we went to a member baptism then did some contacting with our fancy new car. Then we went to the McLean 1st Christmas party. Even setting up we could tell, but it was the most intense Christmas party I've ever been apart of! I'll send pictures. It was crazy But super cool!
Sunday we had church as always. We were all stoked to use ournew car that we hopped right in and drove ourselves to the ward council meeting they don't have on fast Sunday's.... Our mistake. After we met with Mr. Grant and had a decent lesson with him. W committed him church next week so we're praying he'll keep to it! Then we went to the Christmas devotional. It's been a pretty good week so we're not complaining. Thanks for all your love and support. I know the church is true and I'm thankful for it everyday.
Love, Elder Lucas
PS The people here are putting lights up and some people actually get decently festive. I wish there was snow here, but there won't be till like January or February.


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