Monday, November 23, 2015

The Power of Prayer

So yeah our pday was bumped to today because we had half mission conferences on Monday and Tuesday and meetings for leaders Wednesday so they wanted to have the whole mission on the same pday. So we get one today and Monday! The training was really good. Elder Perkins of the 70 came and was doing the training. It was focused a lot on boldness and quickness. We need to be bold in our approaches but not offensive and quick to get the message across so we don't bore people. It was super good but super long. We were there from 8am to 4pm. We were fed though so it wasn't too bad I suppose. These last two weeks have been decent. Jorgé, the 15 yr old, hasn't been keeping commitments and continually bails on us. Most likely because he's 15... He's super interested but doesn't care enough to act. We're kind of just dropping him and seeing if the young men's president can do anything with him and the other priests. Gustavo and his family, the Bolivians with the 2 yr old, are still doing super good. They couldn't make it to church but have been reading the Book of Mormon and have questions and like the way things are going. They keep inviting us over so it's been super awesome. We hope things will continue to progress. Mr grant, the black guy with tons of strange questions, has been continuing to ask questions but we go over at like 8 and it's way too late and he's only available on Sunday's so we have to wait a week to go back. So we're still trying to get things worked out with him. But he's asked for stuff to read from the Book of Mormon which is awesome.
This day light savings thing is killing us... As soon as the sun starts going down people here say "oh it's way too late guys I'm not interested" or "I'm going to bed you guys need to come by during the
day" (they're not home during the day because work) or "I just put my
kids to bed" or many others which are are all valid excuses except for when the sun goes down at 4:30????? People say that, then we look at our watches and go ummmm ok.... We'll try by another day.... That's always pretty rough.. And to make it worse people don't answer doors, phones, or any form of communication because it's waaayyy too late if the Suns going down. It probably sounds like a lot of complaining but it's how it works here.. And if we don't have pre-planned lessons with members we don't have anything to do all evening... It can be quite the struggle...
We're having tons of fun and I'm still learning lots but it's just super frustrating.. Nothing real crazy has happened. Halloween consisted of the zone eating food and watching cokeville miracles. Which was actually really good! The movie, not Halloween.. Highly recommend watching it. The power of prayer is remarkable and I see it all the time here.
DC was pretty sweet! We just went through a few museums and hung out as a missionaries. We were walking down the street and some guy with a cool tie walks by so we're like hey that's a cool tie and he responded with find the real Jesus... We were just like really.... Really bro? You had to stoop down there after we complimented you?? Oh the love we get for saving people.. Jk things are going good and I'm loving it. I hope all is well at home and thanks for your continual love and support. I know the church is true and I love it
Love elder Lucas

I miss the snow! We have zone activities like every transfer. We can
go to DC once a transfer. And the zone leaders are always in charge.
It'll be cool to have two close pdays. Yeah I'm doing good and am nice
and settled. And yes happy. Sometimes it can be hard because but I'm
doing good.​

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