Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 2 in the MTC

Seprember 18, 2015

Everything is going well! This week has been much better! The time here is the weirdest thing. It feels like yesterday was Sunday and the days are flying by, but it also feels like I've been here for a million years. They are still shoving so much at us but we're finally getting the hang of taking it in. Our district is awesome. We get along super well and have a lot of fun but are also very serious. The food here is good and very abundant. But with abundant good food comes abundant not good problems.... I love receiving your emails and letters. At first they let us check our emails whenever we had the chance because we have iPads, but they've since changed their minds so we can only check on Fridays. I do still love reading what you have to say. Thank you so much for the packages
and again the letters. They really mean a lot and I'm happy to get them. We can check the mailbox after every meal so I do see letters all day. My knowledge of the gospel has already grown tons and I'm sure it will only continue to increase. The spirit is super strong and it's awesome. I'm still a little homesick but things are going much better and I'm getting over it. We often don't have time to think
which is nice I guess. We are doing lots of role play sand reaching investigators which Has been a sweet experience. One of our investigators is a real investigator who wants to know why we're happy
and what makes us different. He believes everything we tell him and has no doubt about we say but he doesn't feel it which is kind of where we're at with him. We're still working on that one though. So we leave the MTC for DC at 2:30am Wednesday morning...... I'm going to die. Something else kind of neat, There's a missionary here that's 7'2"! He's skinny but a giant! His poor companion is about my height which is rough in the first place, but with a giant I'm sure it's way bad! Having an iPad is way nice. It's quite limited for obvious reasons. But we have iMessage and emails and some internet but it's nice because we have all the scriptures and pamphlets and every missionary resource we could possibly need. It also makes all the other missionaries jealous which is fun and quite funny. They're way nice.  Um.. I'm trying to think of what else to say. There's so much I could say... We're learning tons from preach my gospel and the scriptures and we're learning how to teach better and it's been really good. I'm sure the more recent missionaries will understand all I'm saying. Thank you again so much for all your letters and packages they've definitely made the stay here easier. Hope everything is going well at home. I do miss you all and home but it's been awesome here and I'm super stoked to finally get in the field. The church is true and the gospel is awesome. I'm finally getting the hang of things. It's flyin by but also really slow, it's kind of weird. We have a temporary iPad while at the mtc but we'll get new ones we pay for in the field.   Gerald Causse from the presiding bishopric spoke. It was good. My companion is from eagle mountain. We're special so we get iPads and it's been fun. The flight leaves at 5:50 but yeah we have the layover. I've read all the letters everyday up to Wednesday day. They've been way nice to read. But now I've got to wait till p day but it might all be different in DC. I'm nervous but very relieved. Im excited to get out of here. Thanks for everything you've sent and the messages and letters. I do like to hear what's going on at home. It's a nice break from here. It's much better here and I'm super excited to leave to DC though. I love you and miss you all. 
Love Parker 
Laundry day
MTC schedule
A well-loved missionary!


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